2nd PUC Mathematics Series 5

PUC Science 2nd Year Mathematics Series-5 quiz

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2nd PUC Mathematics Series 5


1 / 10

41. If A and B are symmetric matrices of the same order, then

2 / 10

42. If A is a square matrix, then A – A’ is a

3 / 10

43. If A is any square matrix, then which of the following is skew-symmetric?

4 / 10

44. For any square matrix A, AAT is a

5 / 10

45. If a matrix A is both symmetric and skew-symmetric, then

6 / 10

46. If A2 – A + I = O, then the inverse of A is

7 / 10

47. Total number of possible matrices of order 3 × 3 with each entry 2 or 0 is

8 / 10

48. If A is a matrix of order m × n and B is a matrix such that AB’ and B’A are both defined, then the order of matrix B is

9 / 10

49. If A and B are matrices of the same order, then (AB’ – BA’) is a

10 / 10

50. If A is a square matrix such that A2 = I, then (A – I)3 + (A + I)3 – 7A is equal to

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