Marketing Research  Series-12

Quiz On Marketing Research  Series-12

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Marketing Series 12


1 / 10

111) Which of the following is true regarding the size of the sample?

2 / 10

112) The existing company information is an example of which data??

3 / 10

113) Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding information collected for

4 / 10

114) A marketing information system (MIS) consists of people and procedures to assess
information needs, ________, and help decision makers analyze and use the information.

5 / 10

115) A good MIS balances the information users would ________ against what they really
________ and what is ________.

6 / 10

116) Marketers must weigh carefully the costs of additional information against the ________
resulting from it.

7 / 10

117) Four common sources of internal data include the accounting department, operations, the
sales force, and the ________.

8 / 10

118) Marketing information from which type of database usually can be accessed more quickly
and cheaply than other information sources?

9 / 10

119) ________ is the systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information about
consumers, competitors, and developments in the marketing environment.

10 / 10

120) Which of the following statements regarding marketing intelligence is true?

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