What is noun And Kinds of noun explain with example.

What is noun And Kinds of noun explain with example.

What is noun?

Definition of Noun

A noun is the name of a person ,place or thing any name is a noun.

Example of Noun

Kinds of noun

The noun .kinds of nous

[1] govind goes to Bombay tomorrow .

[2] the cow is an animal .

[3] the indian army is strong .

[4] milk is sweet.

[5]  Honesy is good .

[1] Proper noun – it is the name of a particular preson , place or thing .

Examples. Govind live at patna                          [govind , patna ]

[2] comman noun . it is the name common to all types of objects preson or thing of the same kind or class .

Examples .the boy plays .      the cow grazes .            [boy , cow]

[3] collective noun . when a noun stands for a collection of persons or thing considered as one complete whole it is called a