Operators and Expression

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Operator and expression mainy it consists of operands, logical operators, arthimetic operators etc

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Operators and Expression


1 / 10

Q.131 What is the purpose of "rb" in fopen() function used below in the code?

FILE *fp;fp = fopen("source.txt", "rb");

2 / 10

Q.132 Which of the following operations can be performed on the file "NOTES.TXT" using the below code?

FILE *fp;fp = fopen("NOTES.TXT", "r+");

3 / 10

Q.133 To print out a and b given below, which of the following printf() statement will you use?

#include<stdio.h>float a=3.14;double b=3.14;

4 / 10

Q.134  The maximum combined length of the command-line arguments including the spaces between adjacent arguments is

5 / 10

Q.135  What do the 'c' and 'v' in argv stands for?

6 / 10

Q.136 IndiaBIX 1 7 11 0

7 / 10

Q.137 What will the SWAP macro in the following program be expanded to on preprocessing? will the code compile?

#include<stdio.h>#define SWAP(a, b, c)(c t; t=a, a=b, b=t)int main(){    int x=10, y=20;    SWAP(x, y, int);    printf("%d %d\n", x, y);    return 0;}

8 / 10

Q.138 In which stage the following code
gets replaced by the contents of the file stdio.h

9 / 10

Q.139  The maximum combined length of the command-line arguments including the spaces between adjacent arguments is

10 / 10

Q.140  What do the 'c' and 'v' in argv stands for?

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